Sunday 13 August 2017

Minggu peperiksaan

Alhamdulillah hari ni baru selesai satu paper... esok 0830 hours
(14 August 2017) ade satu lagi paper... minggu depan 19-20 August 2017 pukul 1145 hours ade lagi... then boleh berehat... huhuhu.. mudah mudahan Allah permudahkan segala urusan aku..... 

Tuesday 8 August 2017

I Wish I Could Just Ask You What You Think Of Me

Xxve it's not about how many days, month, years you have been together. Xxve is about how much you xxve each other every single day

you can never really find the right words to make them understand

Monday 7 August 2017

When You Feel Down, Go Be A Blessing To Someone Else

Dua tiga hari ni mood agak down sikit.... memula nak share perkara ni dengan wife, tapi mengenangkan nanti dia cepat risau, so saya malas nak citer lagi... Baru-baru ni bagi hint tgh down sikit... dia terus bangun datang dekat sisi tanya kenapa. Pastu dia macam dah susah hati... hehehe... actually takde ape pun... cuma down sebab bila fikirkan semester ni jadual padat... ambil empat subject pulak.... lepas dah selesai hantar assignment... boleh pulak terlepas tarikh utk registration subject for next semester.... tapi alhamdulillah mujur la sempat email kepada dekan. Alhamdulillah sangat membantu... semester depan ambil 03 subject je walaupun dapat offered 04 subjects.... berbalik kepada down tadi tu... bkn ape... tgk semester depan subject tough sangat.... terutama macroeconomic... so semester depan amik semua subject yg tough then subject yg boleh bawak sy drop dulu.... biler fikir balik subject tough tu.... itu yg rse down sikit tu.... ade dua lagi subject yang agak merisaukan... Financial accounting dengan Financial Management (I).... huhuhu... harap-harap Allah berikan kekuatan dan semangat untuk facing semua ni... in sya Allah.. kan? haa.. teringat pulak nak cakap sesuatu.... bulan ni bulan August tau... ingat tak? huahuahua....

Sunday 6 August 2017

muscle pull & muscle pain

Kalau korang rse sakit urat kat belakang sebab salah tido ke, atau urat belakang badan tegang ke... korang boleh dapatkan cream ni kat guardian... harga cream ni around RM25.00.... bila dah sapu sambil urut... rasa cool je.... 

Sarapan pagi sedap

Selalu jugak lepak sini.... Roti canai ade, roti telur ade, roti boom ade... nasi lemak pun ade.... location senang je... masuk je pintu gerbang kampung baru... jalan lurus... korang akan nampak sebelah kiri korang Kedai Nasi Lemak Antarabangsa.... kemudian korang terus je... sampai korang jumpa simpang ke kiri atau ke kanan... macam gambar kat bawah ni... yang dibulatkan dengan kaler kuning tu.. then korang turn kiri ... then korang terus sejauh 30 meter sampai jumpa kedai yang dimaksudkan... 

    tadaaaaa...!! haa ini lah kedai tu...

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Camera Digital

1.0  Background
A digital camera uses an electronic image sensor to create still photographs and record video. The optical system of a digital camera works like a film camera, in which a typical lens and diaphragm are used to adjust electronic image sensor lighting.
Digital cameras equip amateur and professional photographers with multiple automated control functions. Advanced digital cameras facilitate manual control of most functions. A digital camera is also known as a digicam.

2.0 Uses
As a curriculum tool, digital cameras add a multimedia dimension to learning. Placing a digital camera in the hands of a K-12 student or teacher unleashes creativity and opens up new possibilities for all areas of the education spectrum. Beyond simply recording events, digital images transform documents, presentations, and communications into personalized, custom productions

3.0 Advantages digital camera

3.1 Planning Your Shot
Before digital photography, people were limited to a maximum 36 photos per roll of film. Unless you had a Polaroid, there was no way to see the photo immediately after taking it. Developing and printing all the photos on the film was fairly expensive, so you had to take care not to waste shots. The advantage of a digital camera is that you can immediately see your images on-screen, and you don't have to develop a roll of film. Every failed shot can be deleted on the spot, so you can take a whole bunch of photos and then select the best ones. The disadvantage of this technique, however, is that you tend to not focus on getting the perfect shot as much, exercising quantity over quality when composing your image.

3.2 Number of Photos
As of 2013, camera memory cards come with capacities of up to 64 gigabytes. This means one memory card can store thousands of photos. This is in stark contrast with film photography, where you were limited to 36 photos on a roll of film. When film got damaged, the photographer would lose 36 photos. However, if your memory card gets corrupted before you have had a chance to download the photos, you could potentially lose thousands of images at once.

3.3 Editing
Digital photography allows you to edit your images after uploading them to a computer. This allows for very creative effects, and gives you the freedom to correct faults in photos that are, for instance, underexposed. It is now possible to turn an image to grey scale digitally or to remove elements from the background. The downside of this is that, once again, people tend to be less critical about their photos because it could be corrected through editing. Instead of getting the shot right from the start, a lot of time is spent editing away mistakes. Photos are also often over-edited, taking away from their natural beauty.